So he enjoyed their little secret. Unconsciously, he began to look forward to the moments. To times with her. He began to get bolder. But ‘aunty’ said they should keep things a secret. And so they did.
Needless to say, she gave him his first sexual experience when he was a week to his thirteenth birthday. When he turned fourteen, she left. The story was that she ran away with a man. But feelings were already awakened and he started sex quite early in life. The problem was that he was obsessed with older women. He is married with children. But the obsession stayed. He married a beautiful young professional like himself but still seeks out older women who are uninhibited about sex and fulfilled his sexual fantasies. He is upset because each act leaves him demoralised, upset and disturbed and quite scared if his wife finds out. He feels it is unfair to his wife.
A young man wrote in a group to express his struggles with obsession over a close family friend who introduced him to early sex. The friend had left the country many years before and had relocated abroad. She returned after many years and when the man met her and realised he was still obsessed, he cried out for help but responses turned to verbal abuse and public embarrassment of the young man.I realised that while fight to end rape and defilement of minors is mostly about the girl child, the boy-child too is left very vulnerable. Unless in extreme cases, where he can open up to a trusted person, many boys get defiled and in some cases raped and are either too afraid or embarrassed to tell. And the exploitation continues leaving us with dysfunctional men who in turn get married to our daughters. See the vicious cycle?
Sexual abuse is real. Sexual predators abound. Especially among
family members. While we keep vigilance up on our daughters, we should
also be vigilant about our sons. Yes boys are sexually abused like
girls.And many struggle with the guilt and pain till adulthood.
Leading to the next question. Do men get sexually harassed?
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